I’m back

Ritchie Pulikottil
2 min readSep 21, 2024


Finally, after taking a break for so long, I’ve reached a decision to get back to writing and here I am :)

Life is full of surprises sometimes it takes us away from the things we used to love the most. For me, writing was such a cherished activity which helped in conveying ideas, views and stories that define me as a person.

But as I step into this space, I do so with some twinges of nostalgia and excitement. It was through blogging that I was able to reach out to people across my physical boundaries, something that I enjoyed doing as well as encouraged a lot in me. It’s not just about writing for the sake of writing; it’s about giving and receiving ideas, growing, and building relationships.

The entire process of creating a post and all the anticipation and interaction that follows with the readers has been sorely missed. So here I am and that too for what I wanted to do a long time back. I have resolved that I am not only going to talk about my ideas but even the process of coming to one.

If you are still here, I’d like to ask you to come along and walk this road with me. Let’s discover, grow, and learn new things together. Cheers to the fresh start and the power of words, may we all find ourselves in this once again!

Connect with me!





Ritchie Pulikottil
Ritchie Pulikottil

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